投稿者 マイラー的 航空券講座 序編
2018年4月8日 2:36 AM

ご要望の多かった国際航空運賃 航空券に関する説明です。
2007年 欧州での独占禁止法の適用開始 LCCの台頭なとで、IATA(国際航空運送協会)が
定めていた F,C,Y,Y2,IATA ITなどの「IATA運賃」が実質廃止になり、世界は航空会社(キャリア)が
MPM・・・Maximum Permited Mileage  最大許容マイル
大人運賃 12才以上に適用される運賃
オープンジョー・・・一部区間が繋がっていない楔型旅程 シングルとダブルがある
子供運賃・・・2歳以上12歳未満のお子さまの運賃 通常大人運賃の75% 席は用意される
CRS/GDS・・・ CRSはComputer Reservations System 航空会社・旅行会社が使う予約システムの総称
GDSはGlobal Distribution System 飛行機以外にホテル・レンタカーの予約も出来る
CTO・・・City Ticketing Office 街中の発券事務所 最近経費節減の為閉鎖傾向 有楽町のJALプラザなど
GSA・・・General Sales Agent 航空会社直営オフィスがない国の総代理店
ストップオーバー・・・途中降機 経由地で24時間以上滞在すること
TPM・・・出発地から目的地までの直行距離マイル 区間マイル
Tickting・・・航空券を発券する事 現在はほぼ100% E-Ticket
DUPE・・・同じ日程で複数の予約 重複予約や2重予約とも言う
PNR・・・Passenger Name Recod  予約記録
BOOKING CLASS・・・料金別に応じた予約コード
プレート・・・航空会社の事 JALプレートと言ったら131で始まる日本航空で発券された航空券を指す
マリッジセグメント・・・航空会社の空席コントロールの方法 イールドマネージメントの1つ
幼児料金・・・旅行開始日同日の年齢が2歳未満の旅客に適用 座席は用意されない



2018年4月8日 9:41 AM


イードル → イールド

2018年4月8日 12:04 PM

深夜の作業で眠くて眠くて・・・ しかも下書きないだったので(^^;
こんな初歩を間違えるとは お恥ずかしい限りです(笑)
早速訂正させて頂きますm(_ _)m

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Rachel really could make a paper bag look stunning—she could’ve gone to Ross’s Gala in this crewneck sweatshirt and still rocked it. And, speaking of relevant: The Knicks are finally good again! Kicking off, of course, with that icon of icons: Betty Draper. The face of Mad Men style is a solid bastion of the Old Guard. While Joan and Peggy favored the beehives and sweater dresses of later ‘60s style, Betty’s look was a ‘50s throwback. Not without a ‘60s twist, of course — those headbands and button-ups were so chic it hurt. The 1960s housewife was more streamlined than her ‘50s counterpart. Dress shapes were simplifying, whittling slowly down to the sheaths the decade would make famous. Colors were lighter, hairdos were smoother — the neckline game, though, was strong as ever. Betty’s lapels on her shirtwaist dress were on point.

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University Writing Center Goldfarb Mezzanine 232 Brandeis University 415 South Street Waltham, MA 02453 1. The thesis should be debatable. It should not be mere fact. If you’re having trouble getting started, or need some guidance on your essay, there are tools available that can help you. CollegeVine offers a free peer essay review tool where one of your peers can read through your essay and provide you with valuable feedback. Getting essay feedback from a peer can help you wow your instructor or college admissions officer with an impactful essay that effectively illustrates your point. Now’s the time to flesh out your paper. Draft an introduction and put your thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph. This gives you a chance to build up to your main point. From there, continue outlining your supporting arguments and use that as a roadmap for the rest of your essay. When you’re done, save your essay as PDF to make it easier to share with your professor or editor and gather comments.

2023年5月3日 6:52 AM

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2023年10月13日 10:49 PM

Despite certain similarities between cryptocurrencies and our traditional concept of money, there are also significant distinctions. Although some cryptocurrencies, such as PAXG, are tied to commodities such as gold, most of them have no underlying asset. Instead, trust plays an essential part in a cryptocurrency’s value. People invest in Bitcoin, for instance, because they know that others trust Bitcoin and accept it as a medium of payment and exchange. Bitcoin had already breached $61,000 and fallen back over to $54,738 when Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced in a tweet on March 24, 2021, “You can now buy a Tesla with Bitcoin.” Within days, bitcoin prices began an upward trend, settling in the upper $50,000s. “Long term, Bitcoin will rebound because we are moving to a cashless society. Regardless of its faults, Bitcoin is a much better alternative monetary system for people around the world who are either unbanked or whose government tightly controls the currency,” he says.
Financial regulators started to crack down, as well. They even went after another big-name celebrity for how she touted “EMAX tokens.” None other than Kim Kardashian had to settle with the Securities and Exchange Commission in October for more than $1 million. If the party loses its key, the Bitcoin in the wallet becomes essentially worthless, as it is unrecognizable and inaccessible by anyone. According to Chainalysis, a blockchain analytics company, roughly 20% of Bitcoins have been forgone by parties who lost the private key. Additionally, if the private key is revealed in a security breach, it is possible for the value of Bitcoins to be stolen. In 2022, cryptocurrency investors lost a record $3.8 billion to hackers. The bitcoin price has already risen in value by some 80% since the beginning of 2023. If it jumps up to $50,000 as expected by the bank, Kendrick added that “Over a year, that would reduce miner selling from 328,500 to a range of 65,700 to 98,550 — a reduction in net BTC supply of roughly 250,000 bitcoins a year.”

2023年10月30日 2:35 PM

As more people become familiar with crypto, banks are starting to become more comfortable with offering crypto services to their customers. Banks across the world have purchased crypto themselves, including JP Morgan. There are various ways to transfer crypto depending on your bank, with the possibility of simply selling your crypto assets and put the money on your debit or credit card. Please stand by, while we are checking your browser… Each coin has a different withdrawal fee. This fee is based on the asset that is being withdrawn. For example, Crypto charges a 0.0001 BTC withdrawal fee for withdrawals of Bitcoin via the BEP20 network. If you want to know how to withdraw from Crypto to your bank account, follow our step-by-step guide above, and you’ll be good to go.
Kevin and Casey answer your questions. Soft forks, on the other hand, are often less disruptive than hard forks but can still cause complications. A soft fork could result in a split in the blockchain if some users choose not to upgrade, leading to confusion about which blockchain is the “true” one. However, because soft forks are backwards compatible, they are generally easier to implement and less contentious than hard forks. Fundamentally, both of the above types of forks serve different purposes. Contentious hard forks can divide a community, but planned ones allow the freedom to modify the software with everybody in agreement. Kevin and Casey answer your questions. Hard forks and soft forks are required in blockchain to improve and update the network. Hard forks involve significant changes to the rules of the blockchain, while soft forks are more subtle changes that are backward compatible. Both types of forks are necessary to add new features, address security risks, resolve community conflicts, and make other improvements to the network.

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