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2024年7月4日 4:12 PM

[b]Seznam sluzeb[/b]

[b]Diagnostika a opravy[/b]:
– Mechanika
– Elektrika
– Elektronika (dle obtiznosti)
– Opravy po kolizich

[b]Srovnani geometrie[/b] pomoci meridel a pripravku (presnost 0,003 mm – jemna mechanika)

[b]Repase vreten[/b] do 30 000 ot/min (dle typu)

[b]Provozni vyvazovani[/b]:
– Pristroj VibXpert (v jedne a dvou rovinach)
– Pristroj Balanset-1A spolecnosti Vibromera



[b]Rovnani krytu[/b]

[b]Cisteni a udrzba stroju[/b]

– Rovinne brusky
– Hrotove brusky




[b]Elektroerozivni obrabeci stroje[/b]

[b]Jednoucelove stroje[/b]

[b]Specialni zarizeni[/b]

Praxe v oboru od roku 2006

Preciznost a remeslna cest je mou nedilnou soucasti

[b]Ceny sluzeb[/b]:

Ceny mohou byt individualni. Po predchozim seznameni s problemem poskytnu pribliznou cenovou nabidku.

[b]Hodinova sazba za odbornou praci[/b] dle ceniku.

Ceny jsou konecne, nejsem platce DPH.


1. [b]Jemna mechanika, hydraulika, pneumatika, elektronika, vyvazovani, konstrukcni cinnost[/b]:
– Pracovni dny 6:30-15:30: 728 Kc/hod

2. [b]Elektroinstalacni prace, strojni mechanika[/b]:
– Pracovni dny 6:30-15:30: 588 Kc/hod

3. [b]Cisteni, udrzba[/b]:
– Pracovni dny 6:30-15:30: 456 Kc/hod

[b]Cestovni naklady[/b]:
– Cestovni hodina: 389 Kc/hod
– Cestovni vylohy: 6,3 Kc/km

Minimalni pracovni vytizeni 6 hodin / nebo vyjezdovy poplatek 2500 Kc (moznost predchozi domluvy).

Podrobnosti o sluzbach naleznete na odkazu: [url=https://doktorstroju.cz/]vyvazovani rotoru[/url] nebo na [url=https://www.youtube.com/@ondrejjanouch613] videovyvazovaci zarizeni[/url].

2024年7月4日 5:01 PM


2024年7月4日 7:40 PM

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2024年7月4日 11:37 PM

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2024年7月5日 4:16 AM


2024年7月5日 7:06 AM

Absolutely, accredited online homeschool programs are a great option for those looking to obtain top-notch education in a more custom-tailored environment. The chief benefit these kind of programs offer is adjustability, permitting students to educate themselves at a speed that is convenient for them, while additionally encouraging a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the topics being presented.

Furthermore, several accredited homeschool programs provide complete curriculums that match the strictness of traditional schools, including even laboratory-based science, languages foreign to their own, and complex mathematics. This guarantees that students are adequately ready for advanced education. Moreover, being accredited assures the coursework is globally recognized, signifying the credits transfer, and admission processes into universities will run smoothly.

One more benefit of these programs is they often furnish qualified teachers to assist in teaching and assigning grades. This not only promises excellence academically, but as well takes off some burden from the parents.

However, before choosing a course, it is vital to verify its accredited status, its alignment with your child's career goals, and the degree of aid it gives for families.

Are you pondering over homeschooling over the internet for your offspring? Proceed with the following step and enhance your knowledge of accredited online homeschool programs right now. [url=https://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com/]https://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com/[/url]

2024年7月5日 7:49 AM


2024年7月5日 11:11 AM


2024年7月5日 12:51 PM

Absolutely, online homeschool programs that are accredited are a great option for those who wanting to obtain quality education in a more individualized surrounding. The chief benefit such programs offer is flexibility, permitting students to learn at a speed that is convenient for them, while also as well promoting a profound understanding of the subjects matter being presented.

Besides, several accredited homeschool programs extend all-embracing curriculums matching the rigor of traditional schools, including even science lab, languages foreign to their own, and sophisticated mathematics. This guarantees that students are appropriately prepared for post-secondary education. Also, being accredited confirms the coursework is globally recognized, indicating the transferring of credits, and processes of university admission will be smoother.

Another advantage of these programs is that they often furnish teachers with certification to help in instruction process and evaluation. This doesn't only ensures excellence in academics, but additionally alleviates some burden from the parents.

However, beforehand choosing a study program, it is vital to ensure its accredited status, its correspondence with your child's career goals, and the degree of support it extends to the families.

Are you pondering over homeschooling via the internet for your child? Take the next step and broaden your understanding of online programs for homeschooling that are accredited this very day. [url=https://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com]https://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com[/url]

2024年7月5日 2:25 PM


2024年7月5日 5:52 PM


2024年7月5日 6:25 PM

Indeed, accredited online homeschool programs are a superior choice for those desiring to obtain high-quality education in a environment that's more personalized. The primary advantage these programs extend is versatility, permitting students to educate themselves at a pace that suits them, while also promoting a more profound understanding of the courses being instructed.

In addition, several accredited homeschool programs offer comprehensive curriculums equating the strictness of traditional schools, including even laboratory-based science, languages apart from their mother tongue, and advanced mathematics. This sees to it that students are appropriately ready for post-secondary education. Moreover, being accredited confirms the coursework is recognized universally, meaning the credit transfers, and university admissions will be more streamlined.

Another benefit of these types of programs is that they often supply teachers with certification to help in instruction and assigning grades. This not only secures academic excellence, but furthermore eases some burden from parents' shoulders.

Nevertheless, prior to deciding on a program, it is essential to check its accreditation status, its correspondence with your child's career goals, and the amount of assistance it provides to families.

Are you pondering over home-schooling online for your offspring? Make the following action and enhance your comprehension of accredited homeschooling programs online now. [url=https://www.k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com]https://www.k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com[/url]

2024年7月5日 6:41 PM

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2024年7月5日 11:10 PM

Certainly, online programs for homeschooling that are accredited are a superior choice for individuals wish to get quality education in a more personalized environment. The primary advantage these types of programs extend is adaptability, letting students to study at a pace that suits them, while also as well nurturing a profound understanding of the courses being presented.

Besides, a lot of accredited homeschool programs give comprehensive curriculums matching the rigor of traditional schools, even encompassing science lab, languages foreign to their own, and higher-level mathematics. This guarantees that students are adequately ready for further education. Moreover, being accredited confirms the coursework is recognized universally, signifying the credits transfer, and university admissions will be smoother.

One more advantage of such programs is that they often supply teachers with certification to aid in instruction process and evaluation. This not merely guarantees academic excellence, but also lightens some load off the parents.

Nonetheless, before you consider choosing a course, it is very important to verify its status as accredited, its compatibility with your child's career goals, and the extent of support it offers to families.

Are you considering homeschooling over the internet for your youngster? Make the following step and broaden your comprehension of accredited homeschooling programs online right now. [url=https://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com]https://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com[/url]

2024年7月6日 2:19 AM


2024年7月6日 4:12 AM

Absolutely, accredited online homeschool programs are a top choice for those looking to secure quality education in a more personalized environment. The main benefit such programs provide is versatility, enabling students to educate themselves at a pace that suits their needs, while also as well promoting a profound understanding of the courses being presented.

Besides, several accredited homeschool programs offer well-rounded curriculums equating the rigor of traditional schools, even encompassing science in the lab, languages apart from their mother tongue, and complex mathematics. This ensures that students are sufficiently equipped for higher education. Additionally, being accredited guarantees the coursework is recognized universally, meaning the credit transfers, and admission processes into universities will be more seamless.

An additional benefit of these types of programs is that they often offer teachers with certification to help in instruction process and grading assignments. This doesn't only guarantees excellence academically, but as well eases some burden from the parents.

However, before opting for a study program, it is very important to ensure its status as accredited, its compatibility with the professional aspirations of your child, and the extent of assistance it gives for the families.

Are you considering homeschooling via the internet for your youngster? Move towards the following action and deepen your knowledge of online programs for homeschooling that are accredited now. [url=http://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com]http://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com[/url]

2024年7月6日 4:28 AM

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2024年7月6日 7:45 AM


2024年7月6日 9:33 AM

Without a doubt, accredited online homeschool programs are a superior choice for those who wanting to obtain quality education in a environment that's more personalized. The primary advantage these programs provide is versatility, permitting students to learn at a speed that is convenient for them, while additionally nurturing a deeper understanding of the subjects being given.

In addition, numerous accredited homeschool programs offer all-embracing curriculums matching the rigor of traditional schools, even to include laboratory-based science, languages apart from their mother tongue, and sophisticated mathematics. This sees to it that students are well prepared for post-secondary education. Moreover, being accredited guarantees the coursework is universally recognized, indicating the transfer of credits, and university admissions will be more seamless.

One more benefit of such programs is they often offer qualified teachers to help in education and evaluation. This not merely secures excellence in academics, but additionally alleviates some burden from the shoulders of parents.

Nonetheless, beforehand opting for a course, it is very important to confirm its status of accreditation, its congruence with your child's future career prospects, and the level of help it offers to the families.

Are you thinking about homeschooling over the internet for your child? Take the next step and deepen your knowledge of online homeschool programs that are accredited now. [url=https://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com]https://k12accreditedonlinehomeschoolprograms9.com[/url]

2024年7月6日 10:03 AM


2024年7月6日 12:19 PM


2024年7月6日 2:04 PM

Thanks to technological advancements, education has also evolved in unique and creative ways. One such meaningful jump is the K12 Virtual Academy. This academy is a total online schooling solution that gives parents an accredited option to traditional public and private schools.

This educational format presents reachable, superior and flexible education that serves the individual learning pace of different students. It creates an comprehensive platform of resources for students, enabling them to capitalize of their learning experience.

Students and parents are provided with consistent assistance and resources such as interactive lessons, direct instruction from certified teachers in virtual classrooms, regular progress monitoring, and engagement in an interactive and supportive school community. All these services pave the way to the purpose of fostering a total, personalized and effective learning atmosphere at home.

The K12 Virtual Academy has created an excellent model of online education ensuring student's success. It creates a balance between schooling, extracurricular activities, and family life. For anybody curious in a high-quality, flexible learning atmosphere for their kids, I recommend looking into it. Delve deeper, discover more about this innovative education model and see the manner in which it can serve your family. It is time to transform education. Visit the K12 Virtual Academy website immediately, because each and every kid deserves the best education. [url=https://k12virtualacademy8.com/]https://k12virtualacademy8.com/[/url]

2024年7月6日 2:38 PM


2024年7月6日 5:14 PM

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text https://agamagizhan.in/giqtj of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

2024年7月6日 6:37 PM


2024年7月6日 6:40 PM

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text https://creepy.es/uxibiej of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

2024年7月6日 8:32 PM

With the advancements in technology, education has also progressed in unique and innovative ways. One such significant jump is the K12 Virtual Academy. This is a full online schooling structure that gives parents an accredited possibility to standard public and private schools.

This educational format provides attainable, high-quality and flexible education that paves ways for the individual learning pace of different students. It establishes an comprehensive platform of resources for students, enabling them to capitalize of their learning experience.

Parents and students are furnished with consistent support and resources which includes interactive lessons, direct instruction from certified teachers in virtual classrooms, continuous progress monitoring, and engagement in an interactive and helpful school community. All these services cater to the objective of fostering a complete, customized and fruitful learning ambiance at home.

The K12 Virtual Academy has developed an outstanding model of online education ensuring student's achievement. It creates a balance between schooling, extracurricular activities, and family life. For all those intrigued in a superior, flexible learning environment for their kids, I recommend giving it a try. Explore further, discover more about this revolutionary education model and see the manner in which it can serve your family. Now is time to transform education. Visit the K12 Virtual Academy website immediately, because each and every kid merits the best education. [url=https://www.k12virtualacademy8.com]https://www.k12virtualacademy8.com[/url]

2024年7月7日 12:51 AM


2024年7月7日 1:36 AM

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text https://sps2015.pl/tflakn of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

2024年7月7日 2:13 AM

As technology has advanced, so has education, in unique and innovative ways. One such important step is the K12 Virtual Academy. It is a complete online schooling method that gives parents an accredited alternative to conventional public and private schools.

This educational format delivers attainable, superior and flexible education that caters to the individual learning pace of different students. It establishes an broad platform of resources for students, enabling them to make the most of their learning experience.

Parents and students are offered consistent support and resources which includes interactive lessons, direct instruction from certified teachers in virtual classrooms, continuous progress monitoring, and involvement in an interactive and encouraging school community. All these resources cater to the aim of fostering a inclusive, tailored and fruitful learning ambiance at home.

The K12 Virtual Academy has created an outstanding model of online education ensuring student's progress. It creates a balance between schooling, extracurricular activities, and family life. For anyone intrigued in a excellent, flexible learning ambience for their kids, I recommend looking into it. Look deeper, learn more about this innovative education model and see in what way it can be of advantage to your family. It's time to transform education. Visit the K12 Virtual Academy website immediately, because each and every kid merits the best education. [url=https://k12virtualacademy8.com]https://k12virtualacademy8.com[/url]

2024年7月7日 2:56 AM

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text https://propcraft.pl/cejjy of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

2024年7月7日 4:17 AM

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